Chicago Downtown

Hooray for Spring… There's only two seasons in Chicago, Winter & Construction:-)
The temperature changes within the split second, and Winter is usually longer than Summer. Downtown Chicago has the most beautiful skyline after San Francisco & Manhattan. Chicago is terribly breezy being next to Lake Michigan, and during Winter, the windshield could get 20F colder than the actual temperature. Summer is usually hot & humid, temperature ranges from 60F to 95F!! It's usually the biggest thing, all Chicagoans will be out by Lake Michigan in their bathing suits. The "beach" would be SRO (Standing Room Only).
We are lucky to live by the Lakefront. Fall is our favorite season in Chicago, especially when the leaves start to change colors, it's simply fabulous. It's the time when the weather is just perfect, a little chilly at night, but not too hot during the day (jacket weather). It's also time to "Fall back" in time, we shall all turn our clock an hour back. Winter is very cold and snowy. It's really beautiful when it's falling & fresh, after that, would be muddy & gross! Although we get lots of snow in the Winter. You'll definitely have the White Christmas here, also, you may ice-skate @ the Millennium Park downtown. It rains a lot in Spring, and usually the flowers are not yet bloomed since it could still be 30F outside! Check out the tulips along the Mag Mile (Michigan Ave Shopping paradise).Like all other states, Chicago has their own teams as well. There's the Bears for the NFL, which just got their new home, the Soldier's Field re-opened again. There's two Baseball teams here, the Cubs of the North, and the White Sox of the South. Then of course, there's the Hawks for the NHL. Traffic in Chicago is horrible, it just seems like people go places 24/7 in this city. If you love the theater, check out some cool theaters along the Theater District, namely the Cadillac Place, Oriental/Ford, and the Schubert. Ethnic restos are all over the city, there're Little Italy, Greek town, Chinatown, Indian district, Middle Eastern, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Cuban, Mexican, Ethiopian, Swedish, Japanese, and many more.